There are many ways to support Caring Contact

Cash Gifts | Tribute Gifts | Donor-Advised Funds | Stock | Planned Giving | IRAs

Donor-Advised Funds 

You can support Caring Contact with a one-time or recurring gift from your Donor Advised Fund. Click on the DAF Direct link for more information and to get started.

A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a little like a personal charitable savings account that provides an excellent way to simplify your charitable giving and facilitate your strategic philanthropic goals.

How It Works

Use the secure DAF Direct link to:

  • Automatically link with your DAF
  • Recommend how you’d like your gift to be used
  • Notify Caring Contact of your intentions


1Tax Deductions
Donors can take an immediate tax deduction for contributions made to their DAF and will not be taxed on any growth since the assets belong to the charitable sponsor (like a community foundation or arm of a financial institution like Fidelity Charitable). With changes in the tax law, a donor may also choose to front-load several years of giving into one year to maximize tax savings. (Always consult with your tax advisor prior to making any decisions.)
2Market Growth
Contributions to a DAF can be invested before they are granted to a charitable organization. With market growth, your DAF balance can also grow. This makes even more money available for grantmaking.
3Ongoing Charitable Impact
Donors can contribute to the fund as frequently as they like, and then recommend grants to their favorite charities whenever makes sense for them. Donors can make one-time or recurring gifts from their Donor Advised Funds.